Svetha Weds Mark
A podcast about interracial marriage in the United States.
Filed under:
ui, ux, writing

︎ About This Project 

Svetha Weds Mark is a four part multimedia podcast about my parents’ wedding. This podcast uses family interviews and historical context to share a realistic vignette of interracial relationships. Both a love story and a cultural retrospective, Svetha Weds Mark ties the union of two families to the broader context of racial politics, tradition, and identity in the United States.

Audio Production and Original Score:
Nicolas Bisgaard


Choices around color, typography and graphics were made to emphasize the blending of South Asian and American cultures.


To craft a narrative, I interviewed members of my family about their perception of my parent’s wedding. I integrated my family’s quotes with other research I had done on interracial marriage in the United States to connect my parent’s wedding to the larger context it happened in.

I then immersed myself in visual content from my parent’s wedding including videos, photos, and printed paraphernalia. I made extensive notes on pieces that could illustrate different aspects of the podcast’s narrative.

Listen to an excerpt of the podcast


The website was designed to be visually immersive, and accessible to a wide range of ages and cultures. The 2 column layout allows visitors to see photos and videos as they listen to the podcast. Clear navigation and written instructions were included to help visitors go through the website with ease.