Branding for a university student-led racial advocacy organization.
Filed under:
branding, ui, ux

︎ About This Project 

From 2019–2021, I worked as the Creative Director at the Collegiate Association for Artists of Color (CAAC). Throughout that time, I created the organization’s visual identity, and worked on a variety of projects that served CAAC’s mission of “creating a world where art belongs to all and not some.” 


CAAC is a radically joyful place. A bright color palette and fun shapes help CAAC deliver their revolutionary messages with wit and excitement. CAAC’s logo and header typography are set in Cooper Black to create friendly and familiar feelings across all applications.

Social Media

CAAC’s social media is a mix of photography and informational graphics. Photos uplift the artists behind the art in CAAC’s community, while text posts keep followers up to date on organizational news.

Photography: Rhianydd Hylton

For Us, By Us

CAAC’s first fundraiser was a line of merchandise I designed in collaboration with Rain Spann. The pieces used elements from CAAC’s visual identity, as well as Rain’s personal art practice. Funds that were raised went towards expanding CAAC’s programming, and and expanding Rain’s clothing project ONEWING.

Co-Creative Direction: Rain Spann
Rhianydd Hylton


CAAC’s website is the home base to learn more about the organization’s mission, the people behind it, and how to get involved. The website frequently uses buttons and CTA’s to encourage visitors to dig in to content, and get involved with programming. The design focuses on hierarchy and user journey. This gives community members the choice to seamlessly browse from page to page, or quickly find information they need before leaving.